Monday, December 21, 2020

...Y Mambrú marchó a la guerra


El protagonista llamábase Marlborough y yera un duque inglés antepasáu de Winston Churchill que mandaba los exércitos de la so británica maxestá nuna de tantes guerres ente franceses ya ingleses. Diéronlu equivocadamente por muertu en campaña y los franceses ficieron-y un canciu que, nun se sabe cómo, llegó tamién a España anque, quiciabes pola nuesa perenal ineptitú pa los idiomes, equí camudóse-y el nome pol d’un soldáu desconocíu en cualquier guerra anónima, Mambrú.

Los más veteranos recordarán una dómina na que la play station, pa les neñes, consistía nuna simple tiza cola que se pintaba nel suelu’l cascayu, la rayuela o’l descansillu según la rexón, sobro’l que podíen pasase delles hores xugando en grupu mientes cantaben el vieyu canciu de “Mambrú marchó a la guerra, nun sé sa cuándo vendrá, do re mi, do re fa”. Yeren otros tiempos.

Güei, anque dicen que vivimos meyor, siguen esistiendo munchos Mambrús que se van a la guerra. Va non muncho allá marchó Aram Grigoryam, podría llamase asina, que naciera en Marsella, una ciudá de Francia au los franceses son minoritarios, y onde llegaron miles d’armenios tres el xenocidiu lleváu a cabu polos turcos a la fin de la primera guerra mundial, y au siguieron aportando a lo llargo del S. XX  como parte de esos ocho millones que formen la diáspora d’esa vieya y atristayada nación.

Aram, como otros, sintióse obligáu a acudir a defender el vieyu país cuando llegaron les noticies d’una nueva guerra col enemigu tradicional azerí. Paecía un trámite, contaben con un tratáu de defensa colos rusos y bonos armamentos; nun tenía por qué saber que’l gobiernu armeniu, confiáu, dexara de güeyar lo qu’asocedía nel país vecín, au s’invertía en tecnoloxíes nueves y abrazábase al vieyu enemigu turcu dexando de llau a l’antigua metrópoli rusa. Los equilibrios vieyos yá nun furrulaben.

Aram nun tevo tiempu nin de sosprendese. Los ensames de drones turcos ya israelíes llegaron metanes la oscuridá nocherniega ensin que los radares armenios los detectaran. Los misiles guiaos yeren casi infalibles y en poques selmanes too concluyó con un alcuerdu de paz, varios miles de muertos y munchos más desplazaos. Y nun paez que’l gobiernu armeniu, en casa, vaya díse de rosites depués del desastre.

Nun tengo mui nídio que nos países occidentales queden munchos Aram dispuestos a dexalo too pa defender al so país, pero si ye posible que dalgún gobiernu, como l’armeniu, dexe de llau’l so deber de vixilancia sobro lo qu’asocede na so redolada y s’atope cola sorpresa desagradable de qu’aquel vecín, sobro’l qu’históricamente  prevaleciera, seya agora un enemigu énte’l que nueves circustancies, aliances y tecnoloxíes lu lleven a claudicar. 

Raúl Suevos

A 20 díes vencíos de nadal de 2020

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    In today's fast-paced world, finding time to cook nutritious meals can be a challenge. That's where Tiffin Boss comes to the rescue! Tiffin Boss is a leading tiffin service provider in Mahipalpur, Delhi, offering delicious and wholesome meals delivered right to your doorstep.

    At Tiffin Boss, they understand the importance of a balanced diet and strive to provide their customers with healthy and hygienic meals. Their daily regular meal plan includes four rotis, rice, dal, green vegetables, salad, and pickle. This hearty combination ensures that you get all the essential nutrients you need to stay energized throughout the day.

    One of the best things about Tiffin Boss is their flexible pricing options. They offer three different packages to cater to various needs and budgets. The monthly pack, priced at just 3500/-, includes both lunch and dinner. This is an excellent option for individuals who prefer to have all their meals sorted without any hassle. For those who require either lunch or dinner only, there is a separate monthly pack available at 2000/-. This plan allows you to enjoy a delicious meal either during lunchtime or dinner.

    If you're looking for a more casual arrangement, Tiffin Boss also offers a single meal pack priced at 70/- per meal. This option is perfect for those times when you need a quick and convenient meal without committing to a monthly plan. Whether you have unexpected guests or simply want to treat yourself, the single meal pack has got you covered.

    Convenience is key when it comes to Tiffin Boss. They ensure that their delivery service is prompt and reliable, so you can count on receiving your meals on time. The address of Tiffin Boss is 318, Badam Singh Market, Main Road, Rangpuri, Mahipalpur, Delhi, 110037. You can contact them via phone at 9599011040 or email them at for any inquiries or further information.

    To stay connected with their customers and provide updates, Tiffin Boss maintains a strong online presence. You can visit their website at Tiffin Services in Mahipalpur to learn more about their services and place orders. They are also active on social media platforms like Facebook (, YouTube (, and Twitter (, where they share interesting content related to food and nutrition.

    In conclusion, Tiffin Boss offers a convenient and affordable solution for those seeking delicious and nutritious meals in Mahipalpur. With their variety of meal plans and commitment to quality, Tiffin Boss has become a reliable choice for many individuals who want to enjoy home-cooked food without the hassle of cooking. Give Tiffin Boss a try and experience the joy of having wholesome meals delivered right to your doorstep!
